Monday 13 May 2013


MSP course also benefits any manager who wishes to improve his/her negotiations capability in fulfilling assigned roles-responsibilities, inter-functional coordination, negotiating transactions, resolving conflicts, and in building long term relationships. If there is one skill which we have all been using all our lives in our personal, social, and professional settings, it is, without doubt, the skill of negotiating. This also means that each of us participating in this learning episode will be bringing a great deal of rich experience as a negotiator – all the highs and the lows, the successes and the failures, the frustrations and the glowing memories, the positives and the negatives – as we engage each other in the negotiations sessions. Quite justifiably, therefore, there is one question we can all ask as we embark on taking a good, hard look at the skill of negotiating – Is there anything more one can learn over and above all those negotiations lessons which we have learnt over the years in the rough and tumble of executive life? Without the slightest hesitation, therefore, one can say with some measure of confidence – Rich experiential knowledge reinforced by conceptual sensitization is indeed the highly recommended recipe in order for each of us to take a quantum leap in our ability to negotiate, especially when it comes to dealing with the context of intricate and competitive transactions involving complexity and conflicting interests of multiple interacting stakeholders.
It is in this context that the part of MSP course has been designed to gain a deeper understanding of negotiations behaviour in our interactions and transactions. The main focus of MSP training program will be to try and develop sensitivity to a process-oriented negotiations approach based on a critical appreciation of the ingredients which go into great negotiations ability. The learning objective of MSP training program will be to develop insights into the elements of negotiations behaviour and to translate that understanding which we gain into actionable deliverables as negotiators.  MSP training also helps in taking home a simple, usable method which can be put into action from the next time around we are going to be negotiating – anywhere – with anyone – at the workplace, at the market place, at home, in our own restless minds even when we are but wrestling with our own alter egos.
MSP training program helps the participants explore and practise the principles and techniques they need to be effective communicators, negotiators and presenters. Most importantly, MSP course focuses on helping them apply these skills in the workplace as part of a process of continuous learning. MSP course helps to build rapport and interpersonal relationships and develop their influencing skills, resolve conflicts and differences through effective, creative and mutually satisfactory negotiation. MSP course also helps in maximizing deal benefits in commercial negotiations and help handle the questions effectively and with integrity. MSP course can get you the support for new ideas and change initiatives.
MSP training program thus focuses on meetings and teamwork, assertiveness handling conflict, negotiating skills, presentation skills and question handling. MSP training program includes a wide range of exercises and much of the learning is developed on the basis of the feedback arising from such exercises.

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